Equínix Photonic Torch, LLC

Red Light Healing 
Relieves Pain and Muscle Soreness,Equine, Human, Canine use. 

Human Testimonies

The PHOTONIC TORCH has been manufactured since1991 for use by veterinarians, horse massage therapists and veterinary acupuncturists.

“Hi Marty! Had to share a story with you. My aunt has bone on bone in her knee and her doctor was saying she needed a knee replacement. I told her about my “magic torch” and i worked on her knee for about 30 mins. Her pain went away instantly and she took it home. She’s been pain free for two weeks now. I also sent my back on track hock wrap to wrap her knee in after treatment. I just thought id let you know i may never get either back now haha! Thought you’d get a kick out of this 🙂 “

Barbara Stone, PhD, author of Invisible Roots: How Healing Past Life Trauma Can Liberate Your Present 

A woman with multiple problems, including severe chronic pain, attended one of my workshops. I worked with her to clear negative patterns and past life trauma, the “invisible roots” of this disorder, and then Marty worked on her body with the Photonic Torch to release her physical pain. It was like a miracle–she left class that day a new woman, saying she felt she had been “reborn.” She no longer needed her cane, and she walked so fast the rest of us couldn’t keep up with her! 

Barbara Stone, PhD, author of Invisible Roots: How Healing Past Life Trauma Can Liberate Your Present.

Human Testimonies
A friend called and asked if my light could help a stroke victim. The person had no mobility of the right shoulder and arm, the hips were painful and she had no range of movement. Here is a video of the results. God is good!!

We just wanted to let you know that we just love our Photonic Torch and that we use it all the time.  Our 7 year old son Cauy has asthma and anytime he has an attack in the night we use it, and he will go right back to sleep.  It has been one of the best investments we have ever made!!  My husband rodeo’s and always has sore spots, so we do not leave home without it.  We also use it all the time on the horses.  It is a wonderful tool!!

Debbie Howell- Derby, Kansas
My name is Debbie and I’m 43 years old.  In May of 2006 I was diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome.  I couldn’t sleep thru the night without getting up and walking around.  The tight cramping, creepy crawling feeling wouldn’t let me sleep.  It was so painful.  My doctor gave me a prescription for Requip, which I would have to take the rest of my life.

A friend offered to loan me her Photonic torch to see if it could help.  I used it night and day, placing the light on pressure points on my feet, legs, and lower back.  In two days I could sleep all night.  When I felt the pain coming back I would put the light on the pressure points.

I have used the Torch off and on for the past few months, and I can now go for weeks without any symptoms.  The Torch has been a Godsend.

Human Testimonies